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Unity Co-operative Society (UNICS) PLC

Lieu, Non spécifié, Cameroon


22 Dec. 2023


Non spécifié


Internet - Web


Community Manager

Missions / Responsabilités / Activités
Traffic and Visibility: Create content that can be easily shared on social media and which can mach a great number of people.
Optimize traffic and yisibility of the enterprise on social media
Image Building: Reinfocce the coporate identity of UNICS Plc and improve the image of UNICS Plc
Build Customer loyalty:  Build loyalty from customers by creating relationship of trust with them, improve user engagement with the brand. Acquire new customers by putting in place customer acquisition tools. Develop the community of customers, prospects and influencers
Reporting Generate  qualifled leads for sales learns. Measure the result and optimize the communication strategy
Profil du candidat
Documents de candidature
» Motivation Letter
» Curriculum Vitae
NOTE: LES ARNAQUEURS SONT DE PLUS EN PLUS ASTUCIEUX! N'envoyez jamais de l'argent à un inconnu au cours d'un recrutement quelle que soit la raison! Et Si vous devriez le faire, que ce soit à vos PROPRES RISQUES!
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